
The Pattern of Moses

I was listening to an audio book talking about how God led His people through the wilderness and provided for their every need. In the book, the author described Moses’ life and all he went through to become the person God would use to deliver Israel. Although I knew the story, I had never given…


Forging Forward

Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. Gen. 12:1,4 NKJV We may not all remember…

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March On!

The past month was quite interesting. I had some good times and some not so good. It’s usually in February that the first challenge to our goals and aspirations comes. The initial zeal and fire of January get burnt out in February and except we are able to push through it, everything extraordinary stops there. Life returns to normal and all the things we had resolved to do get forgotten in the humdrum of routine and daily life.

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1 Down, 11 To Go!

This year, our community of believers is taking this year as our fearless year: fearless faith, fearless worship, fearless flourishing and fearlessly launching out into the deep. We intend to be bold and courageous this year, knowing that all of our strength and courage will come from God, but putting our faith in Him and stepping out of our comfort zones. We believe like Joshua and Caleb that regardless of the economy and the environment we live in, we are able to go up and take the land because God is able to deliver it into our hands.

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Ready To Roll!

In which direction are you running this year? I want to assume that you will be running and not wait and watch the year swing by? Run if you can. If you can’t, walk. If that is difficult, crawl. Whatever you do, make sure you’re not standing still. That is what my pastor used to say. Keep moving. It is within your movement that the Lord will lead you. There is so much anticipation for good things this year. Every word I’ve heard is positive and progressive. We have got to believe it and run with it, to ensure those words are fulfilled, in our personal lives as well as in the nation.

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Watching Over His Word

I feel this is how God watches over His word, faithfully and meticulously bringing it to pass; ensuring the word is fulfilled in the perfection of His will. Although from our point of view, we might feel the fulfillment is being delayed, or disrupted. We may feel we have lost time or the opportunity we saw had disappeared. But God, who sees everything beyond what we can see or imagine, He remains in charge and ensures that at the appointed time, His word is fulfilled. His timing is never late or early. He is always right on time. And nothing can change His plans.

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The Last Quarter!

Isn’t it amazing to realise that we have come to the last quarter of 2019? The days have flown by and we find ourselves trying to take stock of the first nine months of the year. In these parts, this is the time where gloom sets in. Unrealised dreams, unfulfilled promises, dashed hopes. Everything comes to the fore. For some however, it is a happy season. They have a lot to show for the first nine months and are rejoicing at God’s goodness.

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A ‘Mere’ Woman

One thing is clear: being an African woman most likely guarantees that you will be demeaned, maltreated, considered less and be less appreciated and more prone to abuse than other women and other human beings in the world. It is the combination of two factors that individually qualify you for discrimination: being a woman first of all, then being an African. Like the saying goes, ‘It’s a man’s world’. Secondly, in almost all African traditions, the woman is considered to be less than the man, and that is putting it very mildly.