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March On!

The past month was quite interesting. I had some good times and some not so good. It’s usually in February that the first challenge to our goals and aspirations comes. The initial zeal and fire of January get burnt out in February and except we are able to push through it, everything extraordinary stops there. Life returns to normal and all the things we had resolved to do get forgotten in the humdrum of routine and daily life.

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Pain & Healing

This experience helps me appreciate afresh, the healing power of God and His presence with us. He says He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will be with us always. He is with me even now, as I write this. As I think of weight loss strategies and pain management strategies without medication. As I promise myself to stay away from excessive eating and stay committed to walking and healthy eating, He is with me; helping me stay committed to the good things that promote health and healing.


What I Am Learning

There are some things I am learning nowadays that are profound and I feel I ought to share. They are not new things, but I realise that they are things that we easily forget. It’s like a cool glass of water on a hot day! You may have taken several drinks of water before, but when you get a really cold glass of water on a hot day, coming out of the sun, you doubly appreciate that water.

Happy New Year 2019!

Many emotions run through the survivors’ minds in the early days of a new year. The most common is the excitement and joy of crossing over. The exuberant cries of ‘Happy New Year’ everywhere you go, whether they are known persons or strangers. The joy is worth sharing with everyone who would care to listen. I made it! We made it! 

‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly!

While enjoying the ‘jolly’ season, it would be wise not to throw all caution to the wind. Shopping can be crazy but remember to watch your spending. Merchants can be very enticing with their special offers at this time, both in the shops and on line stores. It’s good to have a list and follow it as strictly as possible. No spontaneous purchases! In fact, as much as possible, stay away from the shops once you finish your legal (list-based) shopping. That way, you can at least try to resist some temptations.