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Pain & Healing

This experience helps me appreciate afresh, the healing power of God and His presence with us. He says He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will be with us always. He is with me even now, as I write this. As I think of weight loss strategies and pain management strategies without medication. As I promise myself to stay away from excessive eating and stay committed to walking and healthy eating, He is with me; helping me stay committed to the good things that promote health and healing.


Talking About Joy & Encouragement

So, what solution do I have to experience joy and encouragement on an ongoing basis? Look up! That’s what the preacher said. When you wake up in the morning and everything in you tells you that you are nothing and not deserving of a good day, you look up and remind yourself that it’s true. You don’t deserve a good day, but the One Who loves you more than you can ever love yourself has already gifted it to you. You only have to receive it. And even if the day still brings with it sorrow or pain, you can be assured that the One Who loves you is aware of it, and is working everything out for your good.

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Sadness & Joy – Part 1 (The Meeting)

He looked around to be sure everything was going well, before heading to his designated table to have dinner. The band leader chose that moment to change the beat and started playing a very upbeat tune, a mixture of afrobeat and pop, very African. Out of the corner of his eye, the captain noticed a couple at the next table get up to join the dancing couples on the floor. He did not pay much attention and continued with his meal. It had been like any other trip and he was glad that it was ending uneventfully, especially as his experience had taught him that anything could happen at sea. He had   learnt never to heave the sigh of relief until the last passenger had safely disembarked.


Awamaridi, the Unfathomable God!

Modern civilization discounts the existence of God and His power and control of the universe. To many, God does not exist. If he did, why would there be so much evil on the earth? Why would evil people get away with the bad things they do? Why do heartbreaking things happen to good people? Why is the earth seemingly out of control, with major disasters happening in many places, people suffering, people dying unnecessarily? Where is God in all this?


Tenacity of our faith

Today, we, the children of Abraham are uncountable, innumerable, like the sand at the sea shore. All over the world, we exist. In the nooks and crannies of the world, we exist. And every moment there are being added to the church, such as are to be saved! 

So even if you were to count today, can you get them all? Between the time you start counting and the time you finish, there are being added, such as are to be saved, by the minute and by the second!!! To God be the glory!!!

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What’s Up?

It can be amazing how fast time flies by and you find yourself running to catch up. I was talking about how March arrived overnight, when New Year’s Day felt like yesterday. In the past few days, I have had to ask myself, ‘What’s up?’, when it felt like there were not enough hours in the day.