Jesus, You love me too much!
There is a song that ushered me into 2019. I had heard the song before and it didn’t make an impact. I liked it in passing, but it did not register anything within me. It was a good song. But I never really paid much attention to it. However, in the dying days of 2018, the song took on a new life, having mixed it with words of faith that were washing over me at that time.
The song says:
Your love is kind
Your love is patient
You fill my heart
With so much peace and joy
You’re amazing
You make my life feel brand new
You’re amazing
You make my life feel brand new
Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)
Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)
Released: 2018
Genre: Christian/Gospel
The song is very repetitive and much longer but I shortened it here. The essence is in the words and repetition, which worked to drive the message deeper and deeper into my heart: Jesus loves me, He loves me so much, His love is excess love, a love beyond anything I can imagine. So even when doubts arise and I want to think, ‘Can He do it?’, then those words resound in my heart – He loves me, He loves me so much!
What refreshing hope, what joy! All I have known is earthly love, which is failing, unreliable and hardly long lasting. What I have known is love from fallible man. What I have known is love that raises hopes and disappoints, love that makes promises that are not kept, love that turns at the slightest opportunity. What I have known is love that is conditional, love that is measured by what I can give, what I can tolerate, love that is dependent on how I act or react!
That song was a strong reminder to me that the love Jesus offers me is unconditional love. Love beyond what I can ever work for, or deserve or merit by any measure. It is love that is eternal, everlasting, faithful, unrelenting and unstoppable. Forgiving love, faithful love.
I am assured in this love, safe in it, I can hide in it; I can rest in this love. I am confident of this love. I can rely on this love, it is love that does not fade, does not change, never waning, always strong, always there, always available.
There are no words sufficient to describe the indescribable gift of God! His love is so expansive and all-encompassing, that the more you discover it, the more you realise that there is more to be discovered. That is why we keep seeking Him and discovering more and more each day. How great is His kindness, His goodness, His love!
What do we do with the love of God this year? We are to rely on His love. We are to rest in His love. We are to be confident in His love, and go in that confidence, step out of our comfort zones, to achieve the many things He has purposed for us to accomplish this year.
This is not a year to be indecisive or fearful or afraid. This is the year to run with the grace that God has made available, trusting that as we take each step, He is leading, guiding, directing, helping, blessing and empowering us, so that we know that the results we get are not from our efforts but by His grace. Our sufficiency is of Him. He is the One giving us directions to get wealth, to prosper, to win. Therefore, all the glory and honour will revert to Him, as the One Who made it all possible.
Even when we see some discouragement, we will not relent, reminding ourselves that we are not in this alone. His hands carry us, His ears are open to our call. He will answer us, teaching our hands to war and our fingers to fight. The truth is that even before we began, we have overcome! He won the victory for us already. We just have to enforce the victory in His name.
So, we keep pushing, praying, believing, taking action, exploring new territories, unrelenting, standing on the word, claiming what is ours, dispelling darkness by the light, shining everywhere we go as the children of light, that we are. The end result is progress, advancement, breakthroughs, winning, just as we expected! Although we have not yet seen it, we call it forth and we believe as we have spoken it, so shall it be.