Expecting An August Visitor?

Expecting An August Visitor?

So, are you expecting an august visitor? What are your plans for the last qarter of the year? Because August will fly by fast and September too. Don’t let autumn sneak up on you. Winter is around the corner. Any plans for Christmas? It may seem like a world away but it is not. That was how we looked at July and now it is ending. Dust up your plans. Get to living again. Even if the pandemic manages to slip into January, we will overcome. We will still be here to give thanks to God for life, for provision and preservation. It is not over yet!

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2020 Is Here!

At the beginning of a new year, there is usually so much anticipation. We expect new things, good things. We anticipate that the year has packaged gifts ready for us and we are just itching to open those boxes to see what we got! It is an exhilarating experience, especially as we move away from a particularly difficult year. It is my prayer that our expectations will not be cut short, but that we will experience and testify the goodness of God in this year 2020.